Becoming a Body Bright School.

We know that the foundations for body image are formed during childhood. We also know that many primary schools and teachers are keen to promote a positive body image in their students but aren’t quite sure how to do it in a safe and effective way.

Butterfly Body Bright offers a whole school, evidence-informed approach that provides everything schools need to upskill staff, deliver age-appropriate lessons to students, ensure families are resourced, and to foster a supportive and inclusive school culture – where children, in all bodies, can thrive.

Getting started is easy.


Appoint Body Bright Lead

Appoint a Body Bright Leads - who will be the main program contact(s) and activate the program within your school).

Register your school

Body Bright Lead to complete the registration form.


Access the program

The Body Bright Lead/s will be emailed specific information about their role and login details to access to the Body Bright materials and get started.

Registered schools will receive
12 months of access to:

  • Expert-endorsed School Culture Guidelines to promote positive body image in your school.

  • Online access to all Body Bright resources, training, and curriculum-aligned lesson plans.

  • Online, self-paced staff training for all registered teaching and non-teaching staff.

  • An information portal for the Body Bright Lead to guide program implementation and keep track of your school’s progress.

  • Support from the Butterfly Body Bright team.

  • Newsletters keeping you up to date with new tips, resources and information.

  • PLUS a Body Bright School Pack that includes posters, stickers, bookmarks and MORE!

Program components can be implemented flexibly, in any way that suits your school.

Annual program registration is $375 (+GST) for 12 months of access to all program components, including unlimited staff members registered for the Body Bright Staff Training.


Implement in a way that suits your school!

Your primary school will have flexibility to implement Butterfly Body Bright in the way that works for your school community.

You can choose:

  • How many staff complete the Body Bright Staff Training.

  • Which, if any, School Culture Guidelines: you implement.

  • The Body Bright Curriculum delivered to students (which themes and year levels) - noting that only trained staff have access to the lesson plans.

  • Which, if any, Body Bright Families Resources are shared with your community.

Obviously, the more you can do, the greater the impact on your students and your school community.

But, we appreciate the challenges within school infrastructure,
so it’s ok to start small! Here are some examples of what a Body Bright School could look like:


Further questions about Butterfly Body Bright?
We’re here to help!

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Butterfly acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work as first people of this country.

We commit to embracing diversity and eliminating discrimination in health care. We welcome all help-seekers and strive to create a safe place for all people, irrespective of their size, shape, age, abilities, gender, sexuality, cultural background, language, economic status, profession or location.